Monthly Archives: November 2011

{REWIND} for the love of … POTTERY

      Pottery “The ceramic ware made by potters. Pottery is one of the oldest human technologies and art forms, and remains a major industry today. Pottery is made by forming a clay body into objects of a required shape and heating them to high temperatures in a kiln to induce reactions that lead to permanent changes.” – Wikipedia […]

Bits of Inspiration {Holiday Cards}

The time has come again to start thinking about who makes your nice list… for Holiday Cards.  If you are like me that list keeps growing and so do the unique options.  This year, wouldn’t it be great to send something hand made from a local artist? Here are a few of my favorites.

Technology in the Kitchen

I’ve been hearing more about technology in the kitchen lately with the rise of tablets and smart phones. Apple doesn’t have a corner on the kitchen tech market. All kinds of innovations in cooking have bubbled up in kitchen appliances in the past decade. What are we’re seeing in Twin Cities kitchens?

Grand Hand Gallery

Artists and art lovers alike rave about the Grand Hand Gallery in St. Paul.  Their beautifully curated collection of quality hand crafted art is unmatched in the area.  Whether you are searching for the perfect Holiday gift or something for yourself, the Grand Hand is a place that you must visit.

The Art of Trompe

Last Wednesday we  began our November feature by chatting with Carter Averbeck of Trompe Decorative Finishes. The scope or Trompe’s repertoire is vast and the scale ranges from a single panel to an entire church restoration. Enjoy & explore some of my favorite projects and creative finishes.

Where Art Thou? {November Hunt}

There is a lot of art to be seen outdoors in the Twin Cities so I thought a fun little challenge was in order.   I will be posting one photo of an outdoor piece somewhere in the metro area, on the first Monday of every Month.  Your challenge is to give me the name, location […]

Touch-Worthy Walls

Ever since  the walls of my office met Carter Averbeck, they’ve been considerably more popular. People cannot keep their hands off the forest of plaster trees that transformed a rather ho hum wall into a regular topic of conversation.